Toshiba Carrier Ducted Indoor Unit

The Toshiba Carrier ducted indoor unit is unobtrusive, and so quite you won’t even know it’s there. The indoor unit operates at as low as 25 db(A), which is about the same noise level as having a whispering conversation. The indoor unit height (10.9 inches) makes it a perfect candidate for plenum applications. Lastly, with variety of sophisticated yet easy to use controllers can monitor and operate the system to its optimal efficiency. The medium static duct indoor unit offers features like three speed fan operation, outside air knock out for ventilation requirement, static pressure to handle long duct lines and built-in condensate lift mechanism. This indoor unit can be matched with outdoor unit (RAVAT2) in 1:1 configuration for seven different systems.

Product Features

  • Product family line up from 1 to 4-ton capacity
  • Seven different sizes
  • Sound level as low as 25 db(A)
  • Powered from outdoor unit
  • Knock out for ventilation air
  • Built in condensate lift of 24.3 inches
  • Handle external static pressure up to 0.6” WG.
  • Optional accessories (sold separate)
    • Zoning duct flange
    • Duct flange for outside air knockout
Technical Specifications
Type Single Zone
Overall Efficiency Select sizes ENERGY STAR® certified
Cooling Efficiency Dependent upon outdoor unit pairing
Heating Efficiency Dependent upon outdoor unit pairing
Sound Level (As Low As) 25 decibels
Application Commercial
Wireless Remote Not Applicable
Energy Savings
Energy savings are dependent on outdoor unit pairing. Install with select outdoor units for premium or enhanced energy savings.
Comfort Features
Install with select outdoor units for premium comfort features that can offer precise temperature control and fewer temperature swings.
Minimal Installation
Because there are no ducts, installation is a breeze—no tearing open walls, patching, or repainting required!
Compatible with our RAVT single-zone ductless heat pump.
Sound Performance
Extremely quiet operation for peace and comfort.
10-year parts limited warranty upon timely registration.1