Toshiba Carrier Lt. Commercial Heat Pump

Toshiba Carrier light commercial heat pump is compact, unobtrusive, and so quite you won’t even know it’s there. The heat pump outdoor unit operates at as low as 48 db(A), which is about the same noise level as having a normal conversation. The indoor units feature sleek designs and seamlessly integrate into any space or décor style. Lastly, with variety of sophisticated yet easy to use controllers can monitor and operate the system to its optimal efficiency. The heat pump can provide consistent temperature all year around. The system can operate in cooling as low as 5°F to a high of 115°F, and in heating as low as -13°F to a high of 59°F ambient temperatures. This heat pump offers four different styles of indoor unit match up – High Wall (RAVKR2), Underceiling (RAVCT2), 4-Way Cassette (RAVUT2) and Medium Static Duct (RAVBT2).

Product Features

  • System line up from 1 to 4-ton capacity
  • High efficiency – SEER2 up to 25.5, EER2 up to 13.5 and HSPF2 up to 11.3
  • Four different styles of indoor units
  • Meets energy star ratings
  • Max total piping length up to 246 ft
  • Wider operating range
Technical Specifications
Type Single Zone
Overall Efficiency Select sizes ENERGY STAR® certified
Cooling Efficiency Up to 25.5 SEER2
Heating Efficiency Up to 11.3 HSPF2
Sound Level (As Low As) 48 decibels
Application Commercial
Wireless Remote Not Applicable
Energy Savings
Select sizes ENERGY STAR® certified. Up to 25.5 SEER2 & 11.3 HSPF2 for premium energy savings.
Comfort Features
Premium comfort features for more precise temperature control and fewer temperature swings.
Minimal Installation
Because there are no ducts, installation is a breeze—no tearing open walls, patching, or repainting required!
Single-zone system.
Sound Performance
Extremely quiet operation for peace and comfort.
10-year parts limited warranty upon timely registration.1